
First Meetings

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Literature Text

It was a clear night in Manhattan, the moonlight showering its streets like a protective halo. One in particular was enjoying its light as he walked further down the streets. He pulled his trench coat closer to his body, trying to ignore the cold wind. He stopped in front of a large apartment building, scanning it up and down. He then went through the glass doors quickly, heart slightly skipping faster. “Every time I pass those doors, it feels like I’m meeting her for the first time.”

In no time at all he reached his destination on the second floor. He gently rapped on the door once, waiting for a reply. A woman’s voice came from the other side. “I’m coming!” The man didn’t even hide the small grin spreading across his lips. In a few seconds it opened to reveal a short and slender woman with long, white, and curly hair with red eyes. She was wearing a white t-shirt and skinny jeans. She smiled wide and hugged the man around the neck.

“Owen,” she exclaimed. The man chuckled, hugging her tightly. “Hello Patricia.” Then the woman moved so she was facing him. “I didn’t know you were coming tonight!” He smiled more, taking his hands in hers. “I wanted to surprise you.” She giggled, leading him into her apartment. “Well you succeeded!” She left him in the door way, quickly walking to her kitchen. “You came just in time! The tea is nice and hot.” The blonde took of his shoes and hung his coat on the white rack to his left. He made his way to the white couch in the living room, sitting on it. “I won’t be able to stay for long I’m afraid. Mr. Xanatos is expecting me tonight.”

Patricia poked her head out of the kitchen, disappointment on her face. “Oh…I understand.” The man’s heart twitched slightly at her reaction. He got up and went to her, brushing white locks away from her face. “But tomorrow is my day off. We’ll have the whole day and night to ourselves.” Patricia’s face brightened, holding his hand against her cheek. “I would love that.” Owen smiled a little more but it slightly fell when he noticed something. “…Patricia? Are—you wearing foundation?”

The woman blinked curiously at him, slightly pulling away from him. “I-I well I-I um.” The man stopped her from walking away, removing the hair in front of her forehead. His eyes widened in mild shock. There was only white. He then gently wiped his thumb against her forehead. Owen could feel his girlfriend slightly trembling in his arms. He immediately stopped, giving her a concerned expression. “Am I hurting you?” She shook her head, avoiding eye contact. The man let go of her as he asked, “Why are you hiding your birthmark?” Patricia didn’t answer him. He set his hands on her cheeks, gingerly making her look at him. “To reiterate, why are you hiding your birthmark?” She softly sighed and sat on the couch. Owen sat next to her.

“You know you can tell me anything Patricia.” She slowly turned to him, looking very ashamed. “I know…I’ve…been getting a lot of unwanted attention lately. People keep—staring at me. It’s making me feel really uncomfortable. My birthmark has also been noticed by some—unsavory characters.” The blonde balled his fists, trying not to show the rage boiling inside of him. “Did they hurt you,” he questioned in a dark tone. “N-No! Luckily there were too many people around. They wouldn’t have attacked me with witnesses.” Her boyfriend pinched the ridge of his nose while an irritated sigh escaped through his nose.
“You really need to find a way to defend yourself. There are plenty of self-defense classes in Manhattan. I could even teach you!” The woman touched his fist and snuggled closer to him. “You are busy enough working for Mr. Xanatos day and night. Look I promise I’ll take one of those classes. Hopefully I can find one that fits my schedule.” Satisfied with her remark, Owen stood up and walked to the door. “Speaking of, I better depart.” The albino followed him as she asked, “Since we’re on the topic, when am I going to meet your boss? From what you’ve told me he’s a really nice guy!” His hand hovered over his coat, body freezing up. She cocked her head as she raised an eye brow. “Honey, are you ok?”
He nodded, taking his coat and putting it on. ‘Mr. Xanatos isn’t even aware that I have a girlfriend…I trust him with my life, but I don’t know if I can trust him with Patricia’s…yet.’ He shuffled on his shoes and brought his attention back to her. “I don’t know when you’ll be able to. Mr. Xanatos is an extremely busy individual. However, I would like you to meet him.” His girlfriend grinned from ear to ear, clutching him in a tight embrace. “Thank you so much Owen!” He hugged Patricia back, kissing the top of her head. “You’re welcome. I love you and I will see you tomorrow.”

She kissed his cheek, blush forming on her cheeks. “I love you too Sweetheart. Bring home the green!” He only smiled, giving her a quick nod and left the room. The man walked down the halls, barely waiting for tomorrow to come.


Patricia sighed sadly, resting her back on the door. She rubbed off the foundation from her forehead. ‘I only wish we could spend more time with each other instead of having these quick meetings and run-ins.’ She stood up and went to the white kitchen, shutting off the oven and pouring herself some tea. ‘I have to remember that we’re both busy. I’m running a flower shop during the day while Owen works at Xanatos Enterprises during the WHOLE day. There is going to be sacrifices.’ Patricia sipped her tea while she gazed out her window box.

The shimmering of the moon and stars helped to lighten her saddened heart. She smiled, quickly downing her cup. ‘I won’t let this ruin my night. Besides, this way I don’t have to stay cooped up inside!’ The woman put her cup into the dishwasher and grabbed her coat and high heels. She then made her way down the halls and out the front doors. “Taxi,” she yelled, waving her hand in the air. One soon came her way. In her excitement she opened the car door before the vehicle stopped. “Whoa! Easy there lady! What’s the rush,” questioned the cab driver. Patricia giggled, climbing in the taxi and shutting the door behind her. “Sorry sir. I’m just really excited!”

“What for, if ya don’t mind me asking.”

She only smiled softly as she commented, “Nothing super special, just a walk around the Park.”


Lexington sat on the ledge of stone, watching the stars twinkling in the midnight. He smiled as he thought of how the moon and starts looked exactly like they did all those centuries ago in Scotland. ‘It’s nice that somethings never change.’ The gargoyle was drawn away from his thoughts when he sensed movement from behind. He smiled as he saw his rookery brothers, Brooklyn and Broadway, as they made their way toward him. “Hey Lex! What you doing up here by yourself? Everyone else is downstairs,” Brooklyn remarked. The gargoyle hopped over to him. “Sorry guys. I just wanted to check out the sky. The moon is really bright tonight!” His friends looked up, blinking. “Wow,” exclaimed Broadway. “You’re right! I never have seen it so vivid before.”

Brooklyn nodded then said, “Do you want to go catch a movie? I heard the new one is really good!” The smaller gargoyle thought about it, but shook his head. “No thanks guys. I feel like going for a glide through Central Park. May be another time.” The second in command patted his back as Broadway and himself passed by him. “Ok. See you later and remember, get here before dawn.”

“I know.” After they said their farewells, Lexington went toward Central Park while his brothers went in the opposite direction. The smaller gargoyle let the drafts pull him in his desired location. Lexington smiled, doing small loops. ‘Tonight feels so magical! I really hope there’s no crime. I want to enjoy this.’ In twenty minutes he made it to the Park, roosting in one of the nearby trees. He took a big whiff of air, relishing in its crispness.

Suddenly there was a rustling of bush leaves to the gargoyles right. He whipped his head to the movement, but saw nothing. He furrowed his eye brows together while slowly inching down the tree’s trunk. ‘It’s probably a stray dog or something,’ Lexington thought to himself. He made his way closer to the bushes, maneuvering his way through their branches. He was looking into a spot free from trees and bushes. At first he didn’t see anything, but when he looked to his left, a flash of light appeared. The light was too harsh to see straight on. He had to shield his eyes until it ebbed away. He removed his hand, waiting for his eyes to focus. What he saw made his eyes widened and mouth drop wide opened.
Standing in the clearing was the most beautiful being Lexington ever saw in his life. The moonlight from above made her white hair shine brilliantly like fresh drawn snow. She turned her red eyes to him, surprise written in them. Her clothes consisted of a plain white shirt, skinny jeans, and white high heels. What stood out the most though was the pink, star shaped mark on her forehead.

Lexington’s wits finally caught up to him, urging him to flee. He turned, getting ready to take off. “Wait!” He stopped, looking over his shoulder. The woman slowly walked toward him, hand stretched out to him. “Please, don’t go! May I talk to you?” The smaller gargoyle blinked, turning his body toward her. “Aren’t—aren’t you afraid?” She smiled, her chuckling echoing in the small clearing. “How can I be afraid of you if I can’t see you?” Feeling very confused and on edge, he weighed down his options. ‘What should I do? I don’t know who this woman is! She looks nice, but the Pack looked nice and look how THAT turned out…Then again, I could just make a quick getaway if things do head south…Not all humans are bad.’ The gargoyle took a deep intake of air and cautiously inched his way through the bushes. “J-Just don’t scream when I come out, ok?”

“I won’t. I promise.” After a moment he was in the open, holding his hands in anxiety. At first the woman only stared at him, making him feel more uncomfortable. Suddenly she went closer to him and got to her knees, smiling wide. “The rumors are true then! Gargoyles have come back!” Totally not expecting that kind of reaction, Lexington could only utter. “Y-You’re not s-scared?”

“Scared?! Are you kidding me? This is fantastic! I thought gargoyles were extinct!” She laughed merrily, continuing, “But you’re living proof they’re still alive and kicking!” Her comment slightly stung, causing Lexington to look down slightly. “We’re alive, but not kicking very much…my Clan and I are the only ones…” He felt a soft hand touch his shoulder, the warmth somewhat soothing. “I’m—so sorry.” The gargoyle shrugged slightly, changing the subject. “How do you know about gargoyles anyway?”

“Oh! That’s an easy one! My parents told me all about you guys! I’m just so glad I finally got to meet one of you! My parents made you sound so cool!” Lexington couldn’t help but grin. “Most parents tell their kids we’re nothing but mindless monsters.” The woman only laughed, covering her smile. “Gargoyles? Monsters? That’s one of the dumbest things I have ever heard! You guys are like super heroes! All of this Gargoyle Paranoia is a bunch of hogwash.” The gargoyle couldn’t have agreed more. “I’m glad someone has their head on straight in this city.”

They both chuckled, acting like lifelong friends. When they stopped the woman smiled, making Lexington’s cheeks feel warm. “Um…do you have a name? My dad told me you don’t really have names but I’m just wondering.” He nodded, resting a hand on his chest. “I’m Lexington. What’s your name?” She opened her mouth, but a buzzing noise stopped her. She dug in her pocket and took out a pager. “Oh! It’s Owen. He…” She gasped, smiling wide. “He wants me to meet his boss!” The gargoyle had a small thought. “Wait—does this Owen have the last name Burnette and does he work for a man called David Xanatos?” She blinked at him, expressing surprise.

“Yeah! How did you know that?”

“My Clan and I have had some unpleasant run-ins with them. Xanatos has been plaguing us since we came to Manhattan.” The woman seemed shocked by his statement. “What? B-But Owen said Mr. Xanatos is a wonderful man who wouldn’t hurt anyone.” Lexington shook his head, balling his fists. “I’m sorry, but Owen has been telling you lies…Look I’m pretty sure Owen is just doing his job, but watch out for Xanatos. Under that friendly smile is a man who won’t stop at nothing to get what he wants.”

Lexington could tell by her expression she was confused. He slightly jumped when she stood up. “I um—better get going. I don’t want to keep Owen waiting.” She gave the gargoyle a soft smile, patting his shoulder. “It was so awesome to meet you Lexington. Say do you want to meet again the day after tomorrow? I would love to talk to you some more.”

“Um…I don’t know…” She smiled sympathetically as she started to walk away. “I understand. If you don’t show I won’t take it personally. Bye!” She then ran off, somehow managing not to fall flat on her face. Lexington suddenly remembered the woman didn’t tell him her name. Before he could ask her, however, she was out of ear shot. The gargoyle scratched his head, bewilderment, fear, and happiness thumping in his head. ‘…Did…I just have a normal conversation with a human that didn’t end up in a fight?’ He couldn’t help but have second thoughts about interacting with the woman. ‘She somehow knows Owen. Is she some kind of trap Xanatos cooked up? Is she in on it or is she just an innocent pawn.’ He only sighed, climbing one of the trees. There was nothing he could do about it now. All he could do was wait.


Before, the thought of meeting Mr. Xanatos would have made Patricia giddy. But now, she had mixed feelings about it. She even felt slightly betrayed by Owen. ‘He told me that the rumors about gargoyles were nothing more than that; rumors. Why would he lie to me about them? Gargoyles would never intentionally hurt an innocent person…Also how do these gargoyles know about Owen and his boss?’ These thoughts followed her as she went through the doors of Xanatos Enterprises. Patricia didn’t say much when they were both in the elevator.

“Are you alright Patricia?” The woman blinked, looking to a concerned Owen. “You are uncharacteristically quiet.” She nodded, fiddling with her fingers. “Yeah. I’m fine. I’m just thinking about things.” The blonde nodded, taking one of her hands and holding it. “Don’t be nervous. Mr. Xanatos is very calm and patient man.” Patricia’s doubts disappeared, tightening her grip slightly. “Ok.” The woman smiled and leaned against him. ‘…If what Lexington told me is true then I better not tell Owen about him…not yet at least.’

The elevator doors opened to a grey colored room with bay glass windows in the back. A tan, handsome, and brown haired man was sitting behind a desk. He stood up and smiled, making his way toward the couple. “So this is the famous Patricia Donaldson! It’s such a pleasure to finally meet you.” Patricia blinked as she started to get flustered. “I-I’m not f-famous! I-" Xanatos chuckled, taking her hand in his. “For anyone to get Owen to fall in love with them is famous in my book.” She chuckled, blushing and resting her free hand on her cheek.

“W-Well I think I fell for him first!” They both chuckled. ‘He doesn’t seem bad,’ Patricia thought to herself. ‘But—I still should keep my guard up. One could never be too careful.’
Soon they were all downstairs, enjoying a bottle of wine. David was leaning against a counter while Patricia and Owen were sitting in chairs. The brunette set his wine glass on the counter as he asked her, “Where did you come from originally if you don’t mind me asking Miss Donaldson?” Patricia smiled, swirling the red liquid in her glass. “I was born in England, but when I was a baby my mum and dad moved to America. I grew up in Massachusetts. Once I was done with all my schooling I moved here.”

“Fascinating. So tell me, how did you get Owen to love you? You didn’t put a spell on him did you?” She chuckled, resting a hand against her grin. “Of course not!” Xanatos raised in eye brow in interest. “How did you two first met?” His assistant gave Patricia a soft smile as he gently grasped her hand in his. “Four months ago I was coming to work as usual. But as I went passed this alley I heard sounds of a struggle. Curious, I went down it. Low and behold a man had this woman in a head lock while the other was trying to tear her purse away. I confronted them, asking the thugs to let her go. They didn’t comply. So I did the only logical course of action.”

“He basically beat the stuffing out of them! I never have seen someone throw punches that fast before! He was like Chuck Norris!” The brunette chuckled. “I didn’t take you as the hero type Owen.” The other man only shrugged his shoulders. “I couldn’t stand by and let some hooligans hurt a lady. After I sent them packing we exchanged a few words. We then went our separate ways. A few days later I went to retrieve the flowers for your wedding. I asked around and heard some good reviews about a flower shop nearby. Little did I know I would meet a familiar face in that store.”

Xanatos grinned mischievously. “Let me guess, she works at this flower shop.” Patricia giggled a little. “Actually I own it.” The tan man gave her an impressed expression. “Ah! So you’re the one I should thank for the beautiful flowers!” The woman only blushed, looking down slightly with a bashful smile. “T-They were nothing really. Just your run of the mill multicolored roses.”

“And modest too. You really picked yourself a keeper my friend.” She turned to the same color of the wine in her glass. Owen smiled softly at her. “I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I would come to her flower shop whenever I had time. We were able to talk to each other about simple things. Before I knew it, I was sharing the sweetest kiss I ever had.”
“Almost sounds like a fairy tale.” Patricia turned to her boyfriend, bliss in her eyes. “It does, doesn’t it?” The assistant nodded softly, gingerly rubbing his thumb over her fingers. Their moment was interrupted by Xanatos as he asked, “There is another thing I’m curious about. How did you get that mark on her forehead?”

The woman stiffened up, holding her wine glass in a death grip. Both men kept silent, waiting for her to speak. She slowly relaxed as she replied. “I—was born with it. I’m still—trying to get used to it.”

“It is a unique birthmark. I haven’t seen anything like it.”

“I hate to interrupt, but you have a meeting in ten minutes Mr. Xanatos.” The business man smiled at him as he straightened his tie. “Punctual as usual.” He then turned to Patricia, helping her out of her chair. “It was a pleasure to meet you Miss Donaldson.”

“The pleasure is all mine Mr. Xanatos. I hope we’ll have more time to get to know each other more.” After their farewells the woman left, the click clacking of her heels echoing with each step. The men watched her leave, Xanatos stroking his chin while Owen had his hands behind his back. The blonde noticed the glow in his eyes, knowing what it meant. “You know…I feel like I’ve seen her birthmark before…” His friend kept silent, face dead pan. The brunette shrugged, walking away from his friend. “Well I better not keep the public waiting.” Owen followed his boss, trying not to show the uneasiness worming in his stomach.
This story was super fun to write! I don't know when I'll start writing the next part, but there will be more! Also my character in this doesn't know about the other Gargoyles characters I have posted. Please feel free to comment!

Patricia Donaldson (c) Me
Everyone else (c) Disney
© 2016 - 2024 Sunstar-Of-The-North
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